Friday, August 24, 2012

Lift your eyes and look

"O, why, atheist,
Do you insist
That there is no God?

Why do you burden yourself 
By making hard equations?
To prove that there is no Creator,
And debate in some occasions?

Take a picnic to a meadow, 
A walk next to a creek.
Spend a day in the mountains,
Sleep under the stars, can you speak?
And tell me there isn't a God.

See a cow graze in the meadow, 
Find some fish in the creek.
Ride a goat in the mountains, 
Hear an owl hooting, oh seek.
Can't you see Him in all this?

Why don't you believe?
Why do you harden your hearts
Close your eyes
Deafen your ears
Why don't you turn and believe? 

Lift your eyes and look to the heavens.
Who created all these?"  

a poem inspired by: a comment from someone in Facebook, desire for atheists to believe and be saved, and Isaiah 40:26

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